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    • DVD #3 - The Triumph of Great Faith. 2 Hours Long, High Definition
      • All DVDs are full color, audio-visual books.
      • Based on the ASV, script is careful to stay true to the text.
      • A literal Biblical viewpoint.
      • 100% money back guarantee if returned within 30 days.
      • Changing artistic styles and narrators from story to story keeps the DVD engaging throughout.
      • Art styles range from cartoonish to realistic.
      • The DVD contains around 49 stories, including Daniel and Jonah.
      • Narrated and subtitled in both English and Spanish.
      • Contains maps, charts and timelines inserted when appropriate.
      • Every book, all the way from Job through Malachi


    Welcome to the world of the prophets during the rise and fall of great world empires.

    These powerful events grow faith in all ages, while staying true to God’s word.


    So you think you’ve got problems? God can bring you through them all!

    • Were you ever swallowed by a fish?  Gulp! (Jonah)
    • Did you ever have boils all over your body? Ouch! (Job)
    • Have you ever been thrown into a fiery furnace? Ow! (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)
    • Were you ever lowered into a pit of mud…and left there?  Squish! (Jeremiah)
    • Were you ever kidnapped by a king?  Oh my!  (the maiden, in Song of Solomon)
    • Were you ever tossed into a den of hungry lions?   Grrr! (Daniel)


    Job, Jonah, and Daniel, all the way to Malachi. Some of the most fascinating events in the Bible happen in this collection, designed to build great faith in God. Explore the triumph of the prophets as they overcame certain death.


    Job answers the question “Will a man serve God without a reward?” It also deals with the problem of suffering, as Satan uses suffering to tempt men to sin.


    Psalms is a collection of early songs, encompassing the emotions of men. Many show the transition from deep despair to acceptance to happiness, and can be read to sooth a breaking heart.


    Proverbs are short wise sayings, usually two lines, giving wisdom to the reader.


    Ecclesiastes deals with the meaning of life, while the Song of Solomon examines choosing whom you want to marry.


    In the Major Prophets, Isaiah helped the kings of Israel stand against Assyria, while Jeremiah told the Jews to accept the yoke of Babylon, and was considered a traitor.


    Ezekiel saw visions of God leaving the temple.


    Daniel guided the rulers of Babylon, and the Medes & Persians. All the Daniel events are included.


    The Minor Prophets are small books with big messages, foretelling the destruction of nations and the rise of the kingdom of God. Jonah decides not to deliver his message and is swallowed by a big fish, while Hosea lives his message.



    Help your children learn life’s lessons from Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. For older children, have them do the free (included) Major-Minor Prophet Booklets.

    Buy it now.




    Poetry and Prophecy DVD Vol. 3

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      Bedrock Video Productions LLC 9805 NE 116th Street PMB #7326 Kirkland, WA 98034

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