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DVD #1-The Power of Great Faith, 2 hrs., Standard Definition

On this first DVD, start at “Play All” to pick up the short introduction.


  • The Show & Tell Bible, Volume 1, The Books of Moses, every book, all the way from Genesis through Deuteronomy. 46 events showing the Power of Great Faith.Be inspired by much-loved historical events, and other events rarely shown. These powerful events grow faith in all ages, while staying true to God’s word.
    • All DVDs are full color, audio-visual books.
    • Based on the ASV, script is careful to stay true to the text.
    • A literal Biblical viewpoint.
    • Changing artistic styles and narrators from story to story keeps the DVD engaging throughout.
    • Art styles range from cartoonish to realistic.
    • Narrated and subtitled in both English and Spanish.
    • Contains maps, charts and timelines inserted when appropriate.
    • 30 day money-back guarantee


  • You can’t get any closer to the creation account than to watch this DVD. Since we still haven’t invented a Time Machine, and history doesn’t go back that far except in the Biblical account, we are forced to either believe God’s word about it, or reject the whole Bible, which claims inspiration. Personally, we prefer being in the image of God rather than a bacterial slime that “becomes” an ape, which somehow, in spite of DNA, “becomes” a person.


  • God created all things in a mature form. If you looked at Adam three seconds after he was created, you might think he was about thirty years old. Same thing happened with the earth. Created mature, it looked like it was millions of years old when it had only been here six days.


  • God created everything in one week, so there was no ecological imbalance, no crises caused by one species overrunning the earth before He put up the counterbalance. Even the plants on day three only had to wait for twenty-four hours until He created the sun on day four.


God is awesome! Wouldn’t you agree? Consider His power:

  1. He made something out of nothing…by just speaking.
  2. He took Joseph from slavery to being 2nd in the kingdom.
  3. He parted water, a sea, and made it stay apart all night.
  4. He made a river of water come out of a rock.
  5. He made a donkey talk.


Buy this DVD to help show your children the AWESOME power of God!

Books of Moses DVD Vol. 1

$24.99 Regular Price
$19.99Sale Price
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    Copyright 2007

    Bedrock Video Productions LLC 9805 NE 116th Street PMB #7326 Kirkland, WA 98034

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