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5 More Great Games to Use for Teaching

Writer's picture: Nancy Radke Nancy Radke


A target is drawn on the blackboard or whiteboard. The child is asked a question. If he misses it, he must skip his turn. If he answers correctly, he tosses a bean bag or a nerf ball, or fires rubber suction-cup darts at the whiteboard. Points are awarded according to where they hit the target. Dart games that use Velcro fasteners to hold the darts are great for this.


Questions are asked to teams or individuals. For a correct answer, the student may add one line to the hand-man figure. The winner is the one who completes his figure first. Each incorrect answer takes away one section to the hang-man figure. Specify the number of sections before starting. If you want a short game, tell them which parts are to be drawn, so they will have the same number of parts. If you want to adapt this to a lesson, have them draw a house or man or whatever, each drawing their own figure. This only works well if the kids are all about equal in ability.


Draw ovals on the board, one for each child. The students add a feature to the face when they give the correct answer. There is no winner in this game but the kids like to do it. This is a good game for girls, also when you have a great difference in abilities, as there is no pressure involved. Everyone enjoys seeing how funny they can make their face.


This is a good game when you want your students to move. All stand. Teacher begins asking questions, going around the class. If a child doesn't know the answer, he has to sit down. The next time around, he tries to answer correctly so he can stand up again. In this game it is especially important to repeat questions from the question box; otherwise the students sitting down will "drop out" of the game mentally.


This is often added to the Stand-Up, Sit-Down Game. Each child repeats what was just said and adds one word. Dick says, "Matthew." Ann says, "Matthew, Mark." Jerry says, "Mathew, Mark, Luke. They like to see how fast they can go. If they miss, they must sit down until their turn comes around again.

Or try this variation: Dick says "Matthew," Ann says, "Mark," and Jerry says "Luke."

Remember, these games and others are all in the "First Aid for Bible Classes" available on Amazon in print form, or on this web site as a digital book.


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