Frequently asked questions
How do I use language audio and subtitles for ESL or mission classes?
Where can I find some free downloads?
How do children react to this Bible?​​
Children stay almost "glued" to this DVD, absorbing a tremendous amount of knowledge. Parents say their children don't want to stop watching it, even to eat. Interestingly enough, we've shown it in old folk's homes and had the same reaction.
Are we allowed to show this in our Bible classes?​​​​
Yes! Just don't charge admission. This has been successfully used in classes ranging from the elderly to children ages 3 and up. Each DVD has picture menus to help the teacher go instantly to a story.
Is this appropriate for my three-year-old?
Three and four-year-olds love this Bible, but we suggest parents preview, just in case there are any stories you prefer they watch at a later age. It’s like having an adult read a picture book to them. They really like that the pictures stay still long enough for them to get a good look, yet not so long they become bored.
Is this a word-for-word version?
No. The American Standard (ASV) version of 1901 is the base from which the script has been written. The Show & Tell Bible uses a biblically accurate, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand narrative in modern language. Complicated sequences are summarized for ease in gaining an overview of lengthy details, such as building the tabernacle. Instead of listing every cubic measurement, the most pertinent details are listed along with an illustration.
I don’t see any subtitles. Where are they?
This often happens when the DVD player does not have the subtitles turned on. Go to your player’s menu and turn them on there. Also, from the main menu on the DVD disc, click on OPTIONS, then click on the subtitle language you want.
How do I use language audio and subtitles for ESL or mission classes?
You can let students watch and listen in Spanish, then change either the subtitles or narration to English.
How do I use the DVD for teaching? It goes so fast.
All DVD players have pause buttons. Use the pause button to stop as long as you wish on a picture, map, or chart. You can leave the picture up while discussing it, or while reading the scripture. Also, if teaching a book to adults, you may want to turn off the sound and subtitles and just use the pictures.
Why do you use photographs as backgrounds?
This is mainly to cut down on the amount of time needed to do each picture.
Will adults enjoy this too?
Yes! Ageless, timeless lessons from the Bible are for adults too. The content is straight from the Bible, and the entertaining illustrations will help you remember the events in the order they appear. You may be surprised at how well a visual storyline organizes the stories you know and love.
Is this a movie?
No. This is an audio-visual storybook with narrated and written caption words, on DVD. Most of the pictures are stills, but they change every 5-8 seconds and keep the children enthralled.
When will the next volume be ready?
It takes around 3 years to get all the artwork finished and the narration recorded. Volume 5 + is the Gospels, Volume 4 is the Book of Acts. The Book of Acts will be ready first (2023-4), as it is quicker to do. Due to health issues, this was delayed.
Is the entire Bible covered?
Each volume covers all the events in the order they appear, except for stories with age-inappropriate sexual content. Lengthy passages are summarized. “Non-story books,” like Proverbs and Ephesians, are covered topically. The book’s key message is summarized with helpful illustrations all ages can understand.
Where can I find some free downloads?
For all free downloads, go to the blog section. You will find downloads for flyers combating some of the things added to the public schools that undermine Christianity.